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What conditions can be treated by Amatsu?

An Amatsu treatment (balance) is fitting for people of all ages, including those who have restricted mobility and can be effective in treating a wide variety of common conditions of our age, including back, neck and shoulder pain, headaches, pelvic pain, anxiety and depression, sleep disorders and digestive conditions.


Amatsu is not recommended to replace the consultation and advice of your General Practitioner (GP).

How does an Amatsu treatment feel?

Most clients find the treatment relaxing and describe feeling more fluid and less tense. After-effects of treatment can include pain, which could be a healthy and natural response. Drinking plenty of clean water and light movement, especially walking are advised to support this process.

What should I wear for an Amatsu treament?

It is recommended to wear something comfortable that allows movement. Most of the time during treatment the client will be fully dressed with shoes removed. With the client’s permission, a balance may finish with a back massage.

How often do I need an Amatsu treament?

Frequency of visits depends on your general health and the specifics of your complaint. If you are new to Amatsu, for maximum benefit 2-3 balances within 1-2 weeks of each other is typically recommended . Many clients continue treatment every 4-6 weeks as a proactive means to be well or check in from time to time as they feel the need.

Can babies and small children benefit from Amatsu?

Babies and children are generally very responsive to Amatsu therapy. Amatsu could be helpful to infants to release structural strains and imbalances presenting from birth. These can be carried into adulthood without treatment and are easier to treat in early life.

How long does a treatment take?

An Amatsu balance typically takes 50 mins or 30 - 40 mins for a child.

How much does an Amatsu treatment cost?

The fee for a treatment is €60 for an adult, €40 for a child (<16 years). Cash and card payments are accepted.

What information do I need to provide to the practitioner prior to a treatment?

It is particularly important for the practitioner to be aware of any history of major trauma, surgeries and medical intervention, including past and current medications. In order to get the most benefit from treatment, the practitioner relies on being aware of any significant environmental factors contributing to symptoms that are presenting. The therapist also needs to be aware of any medication being taken and
for what specific purpose. 

Amatsu is not recommended to replace the consultation and advice of your General Practitioner (GP).

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